Welcome to Zion Lutheran Church
At Zion, we are receptive to God’s word, rejoicing in God’s grace, and responding with God’s love.
Known for our traditional yet ever-changing worship, our excellent music and drama programs, our commitment to help youth and families connect with one another, and our desire to serve all people, Zion has been present in the northwest San Antonio community for over a hundred years.
As a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we welcome others with God’s love and in God’s name as we worship God and serve our community.

Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship
9am & 11:30am in our Main Sanctuary, with our worship livestream at 11:30am Central.
Wednesday Worship
1pm & 6:30pm in our Main Sanctuary for our Lenten series: Jesus Calls Us, O'er the Tumult. Contemplative Worship with
Interactive Prayer, Prayers for Healing, & Holy Communion.
Featured Events

Click on date for events each day. Click on events for more details (such as meeting location):
- Administration
- Congregational Life
- Drama
- Education-Adult
- Education-Children
- Music
- Non-Zion Event
- Worship
- Youth
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
6 events,
All Congregational Event
Dinner & Program https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3914356/6505187/78718491
Worship in person and on-line
Worship in person and on-line
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336339
1 event,
Zion Bunco Group
Zion Bunco Group
All are invited to play bunco in the Fellowship Hall the Fourth Monday of each month from 1pm to 4pm. Bunco Leader is Shirley Homeier-McBrayer. Contact the Shirley for details. […]
5 events,
Exercise Group
Exercise Group
Keep Joints moving with the Exercise Group. Wear pants/shorts, flat closed shoes. No Fee. Questions - Contact the Church Office 210-688-3090 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464362/6378646/77696380
Handbell Choir
Handbell Choir
Meet in the balcony of the Sanctuary https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759690/5972599/74112500
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Grade 2-5 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759670/5972560/74112258
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Grade 6-12 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759657/5972540/74112053
7 events,
Day of Prayer
Church 1 - come and reflect or pray https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4124596/6534965/78939787
Crafty Bunch
Crafty Bunch
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677209
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395148
Al-Anon Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: […]
AA Meeting
AA Meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035681
5 events,
WOZ General Mtg
WOZ General Mtg
General Meeting and Lunch - all women of Zion are invited https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4111467/6514730/78795794
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month in Ministry Center Rm 5 and 6 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3357495/6347183/77295937
0 events,
1 event,
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers meeting in Church 2 - Delisa Ramos - 210-289-3673 They will arrive 1 hour ahead to set up. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2804042/6368818/77578484
4 events,
Habitat Pancake Breakfast Intergenerational Combined Event
Habitat Pancake Breakfast Intergenerational Combined Event
Habitat Pancake Breakfast is combined with the Intergenerational Event this month https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4027962/6411608/78001507
Worship in person and on-line
Worship in person and on-line
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336340
2 events,
Game Group
Game Group
Meet on campus for cards, dominoes and other table games on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Algine Perry https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464110/6225381/76183326
LMM Planning Mtg
LMM Planning Mtg
LMM Planning Mtg - FH https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2535206/6463349/78398486
7 events,
Exercise Group
Exercise Group
Keep Joints moving with the Exercise Group. Wear pants/shorts, flat closed shoes. No Fee. Questions - Contact the Church Office 210-688-3090 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464362/6378646/77696381
Handbell Choir
Handbell Choir
Meet in the balcony of the Sanctuary https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759690/5972599/74112501
LMM -One Year to Live Reunion Meeting
LMM -One Year to Live Reunion Meeting
One Year to Live Reunion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4111129/6514140/78791248
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Grade 2-5 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759670/5972560/74112259
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254441
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Grade 6-12 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759657/5972540/74112054
9 events,
Crafty Bunch
Crafty Bunch
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677210
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Worship at noon and 7pm, with communion and imposition of ashes. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2714763/4433169/60806683
Soup Supper – Ash Wednesday
Soup Supper – Ash Wednesday
Free Will Offering https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4145811/6567323/79150289
Al-Anon Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: […]
AA Meeting
AA Meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035682
3 events,
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595176
0 events,
1 event,
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers meeting in Church 2 - Delisa Ramos - 210-289-3673 They will arrive 1 hour ahead to set up. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2804042/6368818/77578485
6 events,
WELCA-WOZ Kit Collection
WELCA-WOZ Kit Collection
Personal Care kit, baby kit, fabric kit https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4034880/6396872/77867164
Class on St. John
Class on St. John
This class will be taught by Pastor Kathi and Rob Mikulski in the Fellowship Hall https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4124611/6534986/78940097
Worship in person and on-line
Worship in person and on-line
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336341
3 events,
Zion Zippers Potluck & Fellowship
Adults age 50+ are invited for a potluck meal, fellowship, games, and entertainment. Come to the Fellowship Hall at 6:00pm. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2519681/4185602/49464388
Capital Campaign Invitation Team Meeting
Grief Class
Grief Class
This is a 6 week class covering handling Grief - more information will be found in the bulletin. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4106059/6506251/78725596
7 events,
Handbell Choir
Meet in the balcony of the Sanctuary https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759690/5972599/74112502
Exercise Group
Exercise Group
Keep Joints moving with the Exercise Group. Wear pants/shorts, flat closed shoes. No Fee. Questions - Contact the Church Office 210-688-3090 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464362/6378646/77696382
WOZ Bible Study
WOZ Bible Study
WOZ Dorcas meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. Includes Bible study and fellowship time. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464369/6241135/76306219
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Grade 2-5 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759670/5972560/74112260
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254442
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Grade 6-12 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759657/5972540/74112055
8 events,
Crafty Bunch
Crafty Bunch
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677211
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395150
AA Meeting
AA Meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035683
Al-Anon Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: […]
5 events,
Capital Campaign Invitation Team Meeting
Bible Study w Pr. Eileen
Bible Study w Pr. Eileen
2nd and 4th Thursdays beginning in 2025 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3985658/6319525/76990570
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595177
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month in Ministry Center Rm 5 and 6 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3357495/6347183/77295938
0 events,
1 event,
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers meeting in Church 2 - Delisa Ramos - 210-289-3673 They will arrive 1 hour ahead to set up. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2804042/6368818/77578486
8 events,
AED Training
AED Training
Dr Judy Knoll will provide training on how to properly use the AED devise. Two training times 8-9am and 10:15-11:15am https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4161381/6591111/79374396
WOZ will display the quilts in the Gazebo https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4130030/6543166/78986729
WELCA-WOZ Kit Collection
WELCA-WOZ Kit Collection
Personal Care kit, baby kit, fabric kit https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4034880/6396872/77867165
Class on St. John
Class on St. John
This class will be taught by Pastor Kathi and Rob Mikulski in the Fellowship Hall https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4124611/6534986/78940098
Worship in person and on-line
Worship in person and on-line
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336342
2 events,
Grief Class
Grief Class
This is a 6 week class covering handling Grief - more information will be found in the bulletin. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4106059/6506251/78725597
Game Group
Game Group
Meet on campus for cards, dominoes and other table games on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Shirley Homier-McBrayer https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464110/6225381/76183327
7 events,
Handbell Choir
Meet in the balcony of the Sanctuary https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759690/5972599/74112503
Exercise Group
Exercise Group
Keep Joints moving with the Exercise Group. Wear pants/shorts, flat closed shoes. No Fee. Questions - Contact the Church Office 210-688-3090 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464362/6378646/77696383
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Grade 2-5 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759670/5972560/74112261
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Grade 6-12 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759657/5972540/74112056
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254443
8 events,
Crafty Bunch
Crafty Bunch
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677212
Zion MomCo
Zion MomCo
Zion MomCo supports moms by building community for growth in faith and as parents. Monthly meetings are in Zion's Ministry Center from 9:30 - noon. Contact Nicole Stender - zion@zionsa.org […]
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395151
AA Meeting
AA Meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035684
Al-Anon Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: […]
4 events,
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595178
0 events,
2 events,
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers meeting in Church 2 - Delisa Ramos - 210-289-3673 They will arrive 1 hour ahead to set up. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2804042/6368818/77578487
Garage Sale
Garage Sale
Shop lots of items in the Family Life Center (near Braun Road). Benefiting the Music Performance Fund.
5 events,
WELCA-WOZ Kit Collection
WELCA-WOZ Kit Collection
Personal Care kit, baby kit, fabric kit https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4034880/6396872/77867166
Class on St. John
Class on St. John
This class will be taught by Pastor Kathi and Rob Mikulski in the Fellowship Hall https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4124611/6534986/78940099
Worship in person and on-line
Worship in person and on-line
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336343
2 events,
Grief Class
Grief Class
This is a 6 week class covering handling Grief - more information will be found in the bulletin. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4106059/6506251/78725598
Zion Bunco Group
Zion Bunco Group
All are invited to play bunco in the Fellowship Hall the Fourth Monday of each month from 1pm to 4pm. Bunco Leader is Shirley Homeier-McBrayer. Contact the Shirley for details. […]
6 events,
Handbell Choir
Meet in the balcony of the Sanctuary https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759690/5972599/74112504
Exercise Group
Exercise Group
Keep Joints moving with the Exercise Group. Wear pants/shorts, flat closed shoes. No Fee. Questions - Contact the Church Office 210-688-3090 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464362/6378646/77696384
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Grade 6-12 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759657/5972540/74112057
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Grade 2-5 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759670/5972560/74112262
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254444
8 events,
Crafty Bunch
Crafty Bunch
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677213
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395152
Al-Anon Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: […]
AA Meeting
AA Meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035685
5 events,
Bible Study w Pr. Eileen
Bible Study w Pr. Eileen
2nd and 4th Thursdays beginning in 2025 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3985658/6319525/76990571
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month in Ministry Center Rm 5 and 6 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3357495/6347183/77295939
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595179
2 events,
1 event,
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers meeting in Church 2 - Delisa Ramos - 210-289-3673 They will arrive 1 hour ahead to set up. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2804042/6368818/77578488
4 events,
Class on St. John
Class on St. John
This class will be taught by Pastor Kathi and Rob Mikulski in the Fellowship Hall https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4124611/6534986/78940100
Worship in person and on-line
Worship in person and on-line
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336344
1 event,
Grief Class
Grief Class
This is a 6 week class covering handling Grief - more information will be found in the bulletin. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/4106059/6506251/78725599
6 events,
Handbell Choir
Meet in the balcony of the Sanctuary https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759690/5972599/74112505
Exercise Group
Exercise Group
Keep Joints moving with the Exercise Group. Wear pants/shorts, flat closed shoes. No Fee. Questions - Contact the Church Office 210-688-3090 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464362/6378646/77696385
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254445
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Grade 2-5 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759670/5972560/74112263
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Grade 6-12 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3759657/5972540/74112058
8 events,
Crafty Bunch
Crafty Bunch
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677214
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Wednesday Daytime Worship
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395153
AA Meeting
AA Meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035686
Al-Anon Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: […]
4 events,
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta Flutes Rehearsal
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595180
0 events,
1 event,
Coming Up at Zion
Wednesday Daytime Worship
March 26, 2025 | 01:00 PM – 01:45 PM
Campus – Church 1 (Chapel)
Zion Theatre Group
Come, learn, and be a part of this exciting theatrical experience. What a thrill it is to share our God-given gifts and talents with each other through a regular schedule of theater productions. We wish to develop a strong sense of community among our theater team, cast, and supporters, and provide a growing connection to our neighbors in northwest San Antonio.