Music Ministry

Music Ministry at Zion is shaped by its Lutheran heritage and is rooted and guided by the western liturgical tradition.

We are responsive to the local contexts and cultures of Southwest Texas.  We delight in the riches from our past, as well as the gems in our new songs.  We incorporate global music, the music of many nations and cultures, into worship.  In short, we have a love of the past, a passion for the present, and excitement for the future.

Adapted from “Called to Be a Living Voice” – Association of Lutheran Church Musicians

The CHANCEL CHOIR is open to those who enjoy singing great choral music.  Standard choral repertoire and new works are incorporated into worship.  The Chancel Choir sings approximately twice a month and at all major festivals.  In addition to singing at Zion, the Chancel Choir has toured Europe performing in churches and cathedrals throughout Germany and Italy.  Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:15 – 9:00.  For adults with children, child care is available. 

The YOUTH CHOIR is open to students in grades 6-12.  Rehearsing on Tuesdays from 7:00 – 8:00, the Youth Choir sings in worship approximately once a month.  The Youth Choir often combines with the Chancel Choir for cantatas and major festivals.  The Youth Choir is conducted by Gavin Magee.

The CHILDREN’S CHOIR is open to students in grades 2-5.  Students learn to sing properly and, on occasion, use instruments.  Children sing in worship approximately once a month.  This group rehearses on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 in the Music Annex.  Sammy Mikulski directs the Children’s Choir. 

The HANDBELL CHOIR is open to high school students and adults.  They utilize up to 3 ½ octaves of handbells and 2 octaves of hand chimes.  Individual ringers play separate notes which all combine to make one beautiful melody.  Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00.  This group meets in the Sanctuary Balcony and is directed by Amy Causey-Hearn.

Multiple times a year, Zion’s worship services also include INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLES and soloists. If you are interested in participating in Zion’s music ministry, please contact our Director of Music Ministries, Rob Mikulski.

Keep scrolling for more information about our upcoming Music & Theatre Events at Zion.