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Tomorrow, we have worship in person at 9am and 11:30am in the Sanctuary as well as Faith Formation classes at 10:15am.
We are still collecting for Lutheran World Relief kits through tomorrow AND, separately, to support the migration work by Eagle Pass Frontera Ministries (through Lent). You can find more info in your bulletins and weekly Zmail.
Tomorrow, we have worship in person at 9am and 11:30am in the Sanctuary as well as Faith Formation classes at 10:15am. And, plan to take some time between 8am and 1pm to see the Lutheran World Relief quilts on display in the Gazebo and Ministry Center to celebrate World Quilt Day.
We also have two new AEDs (in addition to the one we already had), and are offering AED training in the Breakroom at 8am or 10:15am.
Take a look at your Zmail or bulletin to see items we are collecting for Lutheran World Relief kits (through March 23) AND, separately, to support the migration work by Eagle Pass Frontera Ministries (through Lent).
Reminder that Daylight Savings begins tonight, so don`t forget to move any clocks forward that don`t do it on their own!
Tomorrow is also the first Sunday in Lent, and we have worship in person at 9am and 11:30am in the Sanctuary as well as Faith Formation classes at 10:15am.
Check out our new Lenten series on the Passion of St. John, which leads into our Music program`s performance of Bach`s Passion of St. John at the end of Lent, on April 18. Meets in the Fellowship Hall.
Tomorrow, we are also meeting with those interested in learning more about helping with home communions - we`ll meet in the Breakroom.
And the Women of Zion are collecting items for Lutheran World Relief kits this Sunday, March 16 and March 23. Separately, the children, youth and families are collecting items to support the migration work by Eagle Pass Frontera Ministries - check out Zmail and the bulletins for more info about what is needed and where to drop off items and kits.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, and you can join us for in-person worship in our sanctuary with imposition of ashes at 1pm or 7pm.
If you can`t join us in person, we`ll also be posting an Ash(less) Wednesday service on our YouTube channel (and linked here) in the morning, so you may participate in worship at any time tomorrow.
And, before our 7pm worship service, we invite you to join us for a soup supper with chicken noodle soup, bread and fruit, as we prepare to enter Lent. Free-will offering.
Next week, we begin Lent with Ash Wednesday on March 5. We will have worship with imposition of ashes at 1pm and 7pm in the sanctuary.
Also, we will have a soup supper before the evening service, at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. We`ll have chicken noodle soup, bread, and fruit. Free-will offering.
And, if you can`t make it out to Zion next Wednesday, you may stream our Ash(less) Wednesday service - we`ll post the link on Wednesday morning, so you may stream it at any time during the day.
Zion invites you to a Day of Prayer for the Capital Campaign today.
Historic Chapel will be open for prayer from noon to 8pm. Stop by anytime for quiet prayer, and you can also join us for worship at 1pm or 6:30pm. We will also be posting prayers here at noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm and 8pm.
Join us for worship at 1pm or 6:30pm.Let`s pray for Zion Lutheran Church and our mission and ministry as we Welcome God`s Community!
Tomorrow, we have worship at 9am and 11:30am in the Sanctuary, and Faith Formation classes for all ages at 10:15am (note: the Heaven and Earth class is taking a break tomorrow).
Then, at 4pm, we have an all-congregation event to highlight our Capital Campaign, and let you know how you can participate and how it will benefit our ministry here at Zion.
See y`all tomorrow!
Tomorrow, we have worship at 9am and 11:30am in the Sanctuary, and at 10:15am, we have Faith Formation for all ages.
And come back at 3pm, when we are installing Pastor Al Jensen as our Associate Pastor for Congregational Care in the sanctuary (and livestreaming) followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall.
We`d love to see you tomorrow!
Tomorrow, we continue celebrating this season of Epiphany and we welcome Pastor Al Jensen for his first official Sunday at Zion! Join us for worship at 9am and 11:30am in the Sanctuary, and at 10:15am, we have Faith Formation for all ages, a welcome reception for Pastor Al in the gazebo, and an informational meeting for those interested in getting involved with Stephen Ministry in the conference room.