Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336353
Meet on campus for cards, dominoes and other table games on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Algine Perry https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464110/6225381/76183332
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254454
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677223
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395162
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035695
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6022175/74614525
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: [] https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3611585/5747902/71896621
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6022003/74613491
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595189
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336354
Adults age 50+ are invited for a potluck meal, fellowship, games, and entertainment. Come to the Fellowship Hall at 6:00pm. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2519681/4185602/49464391
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851597/6113245/75381475
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851597/6113245/75381476
WOZ Dorcas meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. Includes Bible study and fellowship time. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464369/6241135/76306222
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254455
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851597/6113245/75381477
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677224
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395163
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035696
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: [] https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3611585/5747902/71896622
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6022175/74614526
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851597/6113245/75381478
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month in Ministry Center Rm 5 and 6 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3357495/6347183/77295944
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595190
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851597/6113245/75381479
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336355
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851613/6113260/75381493
Meet on campus for cards, dominoes and other table games on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Algine Perry https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464110/6225381/76183333
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851613/6113260/75381494
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254456
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851613/6113260/75381495
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677225
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395164
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6022175/74614527
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035697
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: [] https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3611585/5747902/71896623
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851613/6113260/75381496
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595191
Inventors themed https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3851613/6113260/75381497
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336356
All are invited to play bunco in the Fellowship Hall the Fourth Monday of each month from 1pm to 4pm. Bunco Leader is Shirley Homeier-McBrayer. Contact the Shirley for details. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3045420/5970580/74093875
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/6343762/77254457
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677226
Worship service in Zion's historic Chapel, with holy communion https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3136407/6354924/77395165
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6022175/74614528
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035698
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: [] https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3611585/5747902/71896624
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595192
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month in Ministry Center Rm 5 and 6 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3357495/6347183/77295945
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3773038/5993091/74336357
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/6288444/76677227
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6022175/74614529
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/6325098/77035699
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: [] https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3611585/5747902/71896625
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/6279272/76595193