LMM Planning Mtg - FH https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2535206/4207332/49632802
Meet in the balcony https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3065690/4912315/64771808
Dinner Out meets on the first Thursday of each month. All adults are welcome. Check the Sunday bulletin, Z-Mail or church office for restaurant details. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2492724/4683036/62665587
Worship service in the Church 3 Sanctuary. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2572561/4254564/59605915
Worship service is in the Church 3 Sanctuary, and on Zion's YouTube channel, @zionsanantonio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2572642/4254676/59606626
Keep Joints moving with the Exercise Group. Wear pants/shorts, flat closed shoes. No Fee. Questions - Contact the Church Office 210-688-3090 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464362/4109112/48673215
Warriors Anonymous meets in Church 2. WA is an AA support group geared for the military. 210-845-3096 Imtnoff@gvtc.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2463950/4910088/64755155
Youth Choir in Music Apse https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3065715/4912353/64772005
Gather in Ministry Center MC 1-2 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/3065738/4912384/64772169
Get together in the Education Bldg for socializing while you're sewing & crafting. Items are then sold at Christmas and Church BBQ https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464363/4109113/48673216
Meet in Church 2 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2804119/4542854/61698768
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday in Family Life Center Room 202. Support group for adults coping with alcohol addiction. Contact John S at 406-855-6006 or jrsranch@hotmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464364/4109114/48673218
Support for friends and families of other people suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Family Life Center Rm 101, downstairs. (Not same as Alcoholics Anonymous) Contact 406-850-2473 Cindy Scott Contact Email: cindysuz1@gmail.com https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464365/4214612/49688969
Quilting Group meets in Fellowship Hall - Learning and work day for making simple quilt tops. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464114/4108864/48673221
Setup is usually around 8:45 https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464295/4109045/48673220
Fiesta flutes is a community music group that meets at Zion every Thursday in Church 2. Contact Robert Rubio https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2464258/4912420/64772326
Weight Watchers meeting in Church 2 - Delisa Ramos - 210-289-3673 They will arrive 1 hour ahead to set up. https://app.espace.cool/Public/Event/16197/2804042/4542745/61697957