Zion is actively engaged in ministry with many different age and interest groups: from children and youth to adults from all walks of life. On most Sundays, we hold Faith Formation classes for all ages. Our Music Ministry includes children, youth, handbell, and the Chancel Choir, plus other soloists and small groups. We also have groups who actively work in the greater San Antonio community and who complete service projects for the care of others around the world.

Faith Formation
We believe God calls all of us to continue to learn and grow together so that we might love God more deeply and serve others more effectively. Each Sunday during […]

Youth & Family Ministry
Empowering families and the Church to develop children as Christian leaders. We aspire to surround each Zion child with a supportive network of caring Christians to journey with them into […]

Community & Global Ministry
All throughout the Bible, God’s people are sent into Christ’s mission to be a blessing to the world. At Zion, we live this out by focusing on community and global […]

Music Ministry
Music Ministry at Zion is shaped by its Lutheran heritage and is rooted and guided by the western liturgical tradition. We are responsive to the local contexts and cultures of […]