Dinner Out
Join Zion’s Dinner Out group, meet new people & try out new restaurants! 1st Thursdays at 6:30pm.
Game Group
Come for card & table games; stay for fellowship! 1st & 3rd Mondays at 1pm, FLC 101.
Zion Zippers
50+ meet-up for fun and fellowship. Men & Women welcome! 2nd Monday at 6pm, Fellowship Hall.
Exercise Group
Keep your joints moving with light activity designed for seniors. Tuesdays at 9am, Church 2.
Crafty Bunch
Bring a craft project to work on & come catch up with other crafters. Wednesdays at 9:30am, Fellowship Hall.
Quilting Group
Learning and work day for making simple quilt. Thursdays at 9:30am, Fellowship Hall.