Community & Global Ministry
All throughout the Bible, God’s people are sent into Christ’s mission to be a blessing to the world. At Zion, we live this out by focusing on community and global mission partners. Our congregation goes out into the community for a variety service projects to the hungry, sick, homeless, lonely, and others in need. We do these things because God calls us to do so, and because we enjoy working alongside other people.
We actively partner with agencies in the wider community. Every Sunday we collect items for Christian Assistance Ministry. Throughout the year, there are opportunities to serve at or donate to Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM), the San Antonio Food Bank, Christo Rey of Hope, and other local organizations.
Globally, Zion partners with Christians throughout the world, especially through the ministry of Lutheran Disaster Response and Lutheran World Relief.
In the past we partnered with an all girls home in Honduras called Project Talitha Cumi. The girls that live there come from families that are either unable to care for them or have abandoned them all together. We also partnered with a Rwandan pastor named John Rutisindintwarane and his wife, missionary Robin Strickler. They have worked in Rwanda providing things like a medical clinic, access to water, and secondary education for children. In addition, as a part of the Southwestern Texas Synod, we partner with the Iglesia Luterana Costarricense (Lutheran Church in Costa Rica).