Children’s & Family Ministry
At these early ages we seek to build a web of connections between children, parents, families and the broader congregation. This starts in Sunday worship where children bring their voices in song, their ideas and questions to children’s sermons, and their participation (and assistance) in Holy Communion.
At 10:15, our Faith Formation hour begins with parents and children together for a brief musical opening (preparation for the children to sing the prelude in worship, roughly monthly). Children then grow in faith through an experience called Godly Play—a Montessori-inspired encounter with God and the Bible through storytelling and physical materials; an opportunity to “respond” to the story individually with art materials as they feel led; and finally, a time of fellowship and the sharing of a “feast” together.
During this children’s time, parents lead their own fellowship and Faith Formation group, so that both children and adults are growing in faith together. Seasonal Sunday morning family events (at the start of Lent, Holy Week, Advent, etc.) also serve to connect parents, children and families–and to send us with ways to reinforce faith at home as a family.